Ellis Mano Band


The Ellis Mano Band was born in a random late-night conversation between singer Chris Ellis and guitarist Edis Mano in 2016. The two discovered that they share a love of American blues and Southern rock and hatched a plan to do a project of their own. They reached out to drummer Nico Looser, who had been serving for years in the band of Switzerland’s top late night TV show and touring as a backing musician for top Swiss pop artists. He also played on Bob Dylan protégée and band alumnus Scarlet Rivera’s album “Journey With An Angel” (on which Dylan also appeared) and toured with her for two years. Top session bassist Severin Graf, known in Switzerland as “Mr. Groove,” also came on board, and the Ellis Mano Band was complete.

Making their own music, basing it on the blues, americana, the southern rock and soul they all love, was a powerful experience for the four.

“We would get together with just a few ideas, fill it out, let it grow, work on it, with a great passion,” said Chris. “For these session musicians to not have just another project, but to have a real band again. To see these guys get together and getting emotional from time to time playing the music, it was a good feeling.”

The resulting album is nothing short of brilliant which will be release at the end of june 2021.


Chris Ellis - Vocal, Guitar
Edis Mano - Guitar
Lukas Bosshard - Hammond, Keys
Severin Graf - Bass
Nico Looser - Drums

Aktuelles Album

Luck Of The Draw

VÖ: 24.02.23

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